- The latitude lines have been marked for you, with a marker or pencil mark the longitude lines. Start at 0 degrees and
go around to the left in 30 degree increments.
- The finished models should look like those shown here.
- The location of our solar system in marked on the galactic disk. You can imagine that you are in the galaxy at the tip of that arrow, looking up at the sky around you. There would be stars in every direction, this grid is a construct to help identify the location of the stars in the sky.
- Imagine still that you are at the tip of that arrow in the galaxy. The 0 degree latitude line, or the galactic equator, is in the plane of the galaxy. If you look from the tip of the arrow towards the middle of the galaxy, the 0 degree longitude line is in that direction.
- This is a cylindrical model of galactic coordinates. In reality the universe around us is spherical and the coordinate grid would close on the top and bottom at 90 degrees from the galactic equator. By representing it this way, you can remove the tape holding the cylinder together, and also the galaxy inside, and then flatten the grid out to see a two dimensional represenation of the coordinate system.
