Scope & Sequence
Course Outlines
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Main Topics & Concepts
- Many of the stellar types identified are really similar stars at different points in their evolution.
- Stars evolve over billions of years, but new stars are constantly being "born" , so there are always stars of all "ages".
- The mass of a star determines a great deal about its temperature and life span
- Different types of stars reach different end states after burning up their fusion fuel.
- This topic applies to California state standards 2d in 9th grade Earth Science and standard 4b in 8th grade Physical Science.
Science Probe Text
- Science Probe I § 16.1 The Life of a Star,15.5 Quasars, Pulsars, and Black Holes.
Activities & Lessons
*Astronomical Society of the Pacific Ordering info $$ -
Resources |
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A Peek Into the Lives of Stars
Windows on the Universe
A sequence of short pages, with some interactive features. Many subjects on the life cycles of stars, end states and star color, temperature, and mass. |
Why Do Stars Shine? | Different
Kinds of Stars
| Stellar Life Cycles