Scope & Sequence
Course Outlines
Contact us!
In each topic of the scope and sequence, we have provided
relevant resources. In this section, we try to bring
them all together.
Each resource is identified in terms of access:
Requires computer access
Requires downloading from the Web
Key Web Sites |
Science Education Gateway teacher resource site
Classroom tested internet lessons in astronomy and space science, organized by topic, grade level, and application to National Science Education Standards. |
Center for Science Education
UC Berkeley Space Science Lab |
News, programs, events, and resources for educators, the public, and scientists participating in education. |
Space Science Education at NASA
NASA Office of Space Sciences |
The main page for OSS education program. See especially "Helpful Information for Educators" and "Other Education LInks." |
NASA Space Science Education Resource Directory |
Growing list of all the on-line and printable education resources produced by NASA space missions, past, and present. Keep checking as new resources are being added. Search for materials by grade/subject area or topic within a subject. |
NASA Quest
Ames Research Center
Media events, on-line chats, TV and interviews bring students into contact with the world of NASA; technology, men and women in space, engineering and research. |
Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum
One of four space science education forums dedicated to coordinating education resources on broad research themes. Educator's section has classroom activities, mission descriptions, images, movies, sounds, a reference desk, and "ask a scientist." |
Structure and Evolution of the Universe Education Forum
NASA/Harvard Center for Astrophysics
Cosmology and astrophysics through high energy space observations. Resources include a Grand Tour of the Universe, Cosmic Survey in the Classroom and the Quick Guide to Black Holes for Teachers. |
Origins Education Forum
Space Telescope Science Institute
Curriculum Materials, science information, and access to data from missions that study the origins of the universe, of galaxies and stars, and of planets and life. |
Solar System Exploration Education and Outreach Forum
NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Find links, lesson page, workshop page, getting students involved in research, and direct access to government surplus computer equipment lists. |
*Center for Science Education at Space Science Laboratory, UC Berkeley.
**NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.