Demonstration: Making a Pie Pan Speaker
Regan Lum
Course: Physics or Physical Science
Grade Level: 9-12
Topic: Communication
A speaker is a device that converts electronic signals into sound.
The speaker you will build (see figure 1) consists of a pie pan, a coil, a
permanent magnet, and a signal source. The electronic signal goes through
the coil and creates a varying electromagnet. The attraction and repulsion
between the varying electromagnet and the permanent magnetic causes the
pie pan to vibrate and produce sound.
figure 1
- The students should be able to
- Explain how a speaker works
- Build a working speaker using a Stryofoam cup, wire, and a magnet.
- 1 permanent magnet
- 1 coil of wire
- 1 pie pan
- an amplified signal source
- Build and test your demonstration pie pan speaker
- This demonstration should be followed by the Making a Speaker Laboratory.
- The lab report will be submitted.
- The material will be included in quizzes and tests.
For more information, email your comments to
or contact
Regan Lum
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