Dr. Levandovsky was one of the teacher participants of the ASTRO 650 Mission Operations Class for teachers and thus came into the partnership with a solid head start and familiarity with the EUVE satellite mission. During the first Summer, Dr. Levandovsky acquired a deeper understanding and experience with the mission operation and science analysis of EUVE satellite data. She continued to hone her computer skills, and finalized the details of her lesson plan WWW page entitled "The Electromagnetic Spectrum: On Trial." Dr. Levandovsky and Dr. Hawkins traveled to Minneapolis, MN, during June 1994 to present papers at the American Astronomical Society Meeting.
Dr. Levandovsky and Dr. Hawkins have also collaborated on the development of an "Astrophysics Course" that can be offered as an elective one-semester class for high school students. The material in this course focuses on the electromagnetic spectrum as a fundamental tool for delivering to Earth information from distant cosmic objects thus highlighting the importance of studying information received through the different wavelength ranges. This course is the ideal forum for featuring and discussing in depth the various NASA missions which have studied the cosmos making use of the electromagnetic spectrum from infrared radiation to gamma rays.
During the second Summer internship in 1995, Dr. Levandovsky became involved in the development of an interactive WWW-based information server for astronomy - Astro-QUERY.
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