Partners in Science is a program of high school-college partnerships administered and funded by Research Corporation, based in Tucson, Arizona. The program provides high school science teachers with opportunities to work at the cutting edge of science, enabling them to bring inquiry-based methodologies into the classroom. Teachers and academic scientists collaborate to advance science, growing professionally in the process. High school teachers develop an improved image and sense of community. Faculty mentors benefit not only from general research assistance, but from contact with those shaping their future students. All partners develop a broader understanding of the linkages between high school and college science education. The Partners in Science collaboration strives to make high school science teaching more attractive, to help teachers guide able students toward careers in science, to develop new teaching strategies and to foster long-term scholarly collaborations. The latter is especially important, and leads to a model of the teacher as active in science yet committed to the high school classroom.
Partners in Science awards are made to colleges and universities to enable high school science teachers to participate in research during the summer. Applications are accepted from faculty scientists in specified disciplines at institutions located in areas where the Partners in Science program is available.
Collegiate Host Institution
Applications must be submitted through a college or university or other qualified institution of higher education which accepts responsibility for the administration of the award.
Principal Investigators
To apply, an investigator must have an active research program as evidenced by grants and/or publications and hold an appointment in a natural science department at a college, university, or other qualified institution. Most awards will be made to chemistry or physics faculty.
High School Teachers
High school teachers should possess academic qualifications in appropriate disciplines, in most cases a baccalaureate degree or equivalent in chemistry, physics, or biology. Candidates must be active classroom teachers and have a high school appointment. The teacher and high school should be within convenient commuting distance of the collegiate host institution so that a research partnership may continue beyond the summer period. There are no restrictions with regard to age, rank or length of service of either teachers or mentors, but preference may be given to teachers who have not had a previous opportunity to do research.
Forming Partnerships
College or university mentors may identify qualified science teachers through direct contacts or through the program office of Research Corporation. Qualified high school teachers can also seek partnerships by contacting mentors directly, or through the program office. An information packet with a candidate statement form will be provided to interested high school teachers within geographic areas where Partners in Science is offered. Completed candidate statements will be made available to appropriate college and university mentors. Potential partners are strongly urged to meet to assess compatibility and the desirability of a joint effort, and to develop specific goals for each summer, before an application is submitted.
College and University Faculty Applications
Qualified faculty members (mentors) should request application packets from the foundation (as previously noted, awards are made through, and must be endorsed by, a qualified institution of higher education). Completed teacher candidate statements that have been returned to Research Corporation may by requested by faculty mentors. Applications are in two parts: a short two-page form to be completed by both the mentor and the high school teacher; and the teacher candidate statement-curriculum vitae (two pages). Each application must include both parts, for the contributions of each partner will be considered in the review process.
Awards beginning with the summer of 1993 will be in the amount of $14,000 apportioned over two years. The budget breakdown will be:
High school teacher stipend:
- (First Year) $5,000
- (Second Year) $5,000
Discretionary funds:
- (First Year)$1,000
- (Second Year) $1,000
Academic year enrichment:
- (First Year)$500
- (Second Year) $500
Travel funds (annual conference):
- (First Year) $500
- (Second Year) $500
- (First Year) $7,000
- (Second Year) $7,000
The discretionary funds can be used for items directly needed in the research (supplies, equipment or travel), for high school student stipends, or to enhance the teaching of the high school partner. Travel funds are designated for the high school teacher (and the mentor if funds permit) to attend the annual Partners in Science conference. Each high school teacher will also have $500 budgeted for academic year enrichment. This may include, but is not limited to, books, software, workshop, and conference fees.
Deadline and Review Process
The program deadline is December 1. Applications received by that date will be acted upon by about March 1. Completed applications will be reviewed by the Partners in Science Advisory Committee. The committee will consider the qualifications of the partners, the high school setting, the appropriateness and presentation of the problem and the high school teacher's perception of how the partnership might affect his or her teaching. Address inquiries, questions and correspondence to: