Solar Flare Introduction     |
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Solar Flares:The Sun is the nearest star to Earth and our close proximity allows us to study it in great detail. Observations reveal that the Sun is extremely dynamic, with changes taking place on many timescales. In this activity we will investigate one of the fastest and most energetic events on the Sun, solar flares.During a flare the Sun releases a large amount of energy in a short period of time. Scientists observe solar flares in many different wavelengths, from low-energy radio waves to high-energy gamma rays. The RHESSI satellite will make much sharper pictures of solar flares in high-energy x-rays and gamma rays than any satellite to date. When you click on the image to the right you will see a movie which shows several solar flares seen in extreme ultraviolet light by the SOHO satellite. The flares are the flashes which occur in the more active (or brighter) region of the Sun. |
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The image below is a sample of some GOES data. Just like scientists do, we will be looking over tables and tables of data to learn something about the Sun. Luckily, in this activity we will only need the information in the Date and X-ray class columns.
Additional Data Columns
In the data above the Time columns report when the flare occurred (in Universal Time, or Greenwich Mean Time). The individual columns are when the flare frist began, when it ended, and when it was at its maximum. The Location column indicates the location of the flare in latitude and longitude on the Sun. The Opt Imp column stands for optical importance. It is a measure of how big and bright the flare was in optical (H-alpha) light. The first digit in the optical importance is either the letter S or a number 1 - 4. This is a measure of the optical size of the flare with S being the smallest (Subflare), and 4 being the largest. The second digit in the optical importance column indicates the optical brightness of the flare and is either F(faint), N(normal) or B(brilliant). The X-ray Class column is discribed below. The NOAA Region column indicates which NOAA active region the flare was associated with. The NOAA numbers all active regions which appear on the Sun.
![]() | X-ray Flare Classification |
X-ray Flare Intensity
You'll notice the flare classification letter is followed by a number which tells us the specific intensity of the flare. X-ray flare intensity is measured in units of power per area or Watts per meters squared. Each letter (A, B, C, M or X) represents a certain numeric value and the numbers following the letter in the flare classification multiply that value. The numeric values of the letter classes are listed below,
A = 1.0x10-8 (W m-2)
B = 1.0x10-7 (W m-2)
C = 1.0x10-6 (W m-2)
M = 1.0x10-5 (W m-2)
X = 1.0x10-4 (W m-2)
To determine the exact intensity of the flare you multiply the number in the x-ray classification of that flare by the value of its class listed above. For example, a C5.9 flare would have an intensity of 5.9x10-6 W m-2.