The THEMIS/GEONS Magnetometer is located at:
Shawano Community High School
220 County Road B
Shawano, WI 54166
Geographic Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude:
44.78 N, 88.6 W
View the GEONS data here
Maps and Pictures
Wendy Esch, Science Teacher at Shawano Community High School
Wendy Esch is a science teacher at Shawano Community High School in Shawano, Wisconsin. She has been with the district for 13 years. She teaches Physical Science, Geology, and Astronomy. Ms. Esch grew up in Shawano and always had a strong interest in science. She developed the district’s Physical Science, Astronomy, and Geology curriculum as well as maintains and operates the district’s planetarium. During the summer of 2001, Ms. Esch attended a teacher workshop at the United States Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Through this experience and others, Ms. Esch has been able to bring the thrill of space to her students.