The THEMIS/GEONS Magnetometer is located at:
Red Cloud High School
100 Mission Drive
Pine Ridge, SD 57770
Geographic Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude:
43.60 N, 85.16 W
View the GEONS data here
Maps and Pictures
Wendell Gehman, Science Educator at Red Cloud High School
Mr. Gehman is a veteran teacher with 15 years of experience teaching high school science. He began his career in rural PA, and after 7 years decided to move with his family to work on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation. While working at Red Cloud High school, he became involved in numerous grant projects and organizations. His participation in SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science) has enabled him to network with like-minded educators concerning the involvement of minority students in science. An emphasis on inquiry-based science and participation in projects that involve students directly in the data collecting process are areas of interest for him.