NASA's Space Math Page - This web page contains problem sets for the Weekly Space Science Problem program. The goal of these problems is to teach students about space weather by using mathematics.
Space Weather Center - A site with instructional lessons as wells as games and activities all about space weather. Particularly relevant sections include: Our Dynamic Sun, Solar Wind, and Our Protective Shield.
SEGway Education Page - A web site where you can find over 20 lessons covering geophysics (e.g. Surfing for Earthquakes and Volcanoes) to space physics (e.g. The Light Tour) at grade levels from K-12.
Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE) - This web site hosts the worldwide distribution center for NASA-produced multimedia materials that can be used as curriculum supplement materials. Search their catalog under the subject of "Space Physics/General" to find books, videos, and posters.
Space Science Education Resource Directory - A web page with links to K-12 educational materials and information related to NASA Space Research. Many of these resources have been evaluated by a team of scientists and teachers. The recommended resources are indicated with an apple.
NASA's Science Education - NASA's Science Mission Directorate's Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) web page that is dedicated to "to fostering the broad involvement of the science research community in E/PO with the goal of enhancing the Nation's formal education system and contributing to the broad public understanding of science, mathematics, and technology. ." Click on the Education Resource Directory to find K-12 Space Physics lessons to use in your classroom.