The THEMIS/GEONS Magnetometer is located at:
Western Nevada Community College
2201 West College Park
Carson City, NV 89703
Geographic Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude:
39.1876 N, 119.7964 W, 1513.29 meters (from the GPS receiver on site)
View the GEONS data here
Check out the WNCC observatory's live webcam.
Other Schools involved in the GEONS project:
Carson High School
1111 North Saliman Rd
Carson City, NV 89702
Carson Middle School
1140 West King Street
Carson City, NV 89703
Maps and Pictures
Find out how the magnetometer was installed by looking through this slide show.
Robert Collier, Physics and Astronomy Professor at Western Nevada Community College
Robert Collier was named WNCC's Outstanding Faculty Member in 1998. He runs the new Jack C. Davis Observatory and works with many different science teachers in Carson City using the observatory. A visionary who has researched life in the harsh environment of Antarctica, Robert hopes to participate in finding life elsewhere in our solar system. Robert studied the effects of ultraviolet radiation on bacterial life in lakes on the frozen continent. According to theory, water and ultraviolet radiation may be prerequisites for life in our solar system and beyond. Robert is currently building a device to measure ultraviolet radiation.
Jim Bean, Math and Science Teacher at Carson City High School
Jim Bean has been a teacher in Carson City since 2001. Before this time, he taught science and math at the college level since 1987 with a brief interlude from 1993 to 1997 working as a Deputy Coroner. Mr. Bean has a Bachelor of Science with a Major in Physics and Minors in Math and Chemistry received May, 1990 from Linfield College, McMinville, OR. He has taken graduate courses in physical chemistry, laser spectroscopy, and quantum chemistry. Astronomy and Basketball coaching keep him busy when he is not teaching or spending time with his wife, three children, dogs, and cat. Click here to visit Jim's homepage.
Terry Parent, Science Teacher at Carson City Middle School
Gail Bushey, Science Teacher at Carson City Middle School