SEGway is a full partner in the following missions, leading,
or contributing to their education and public outreach programs:
(Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer)
:: Mission Site
Mission Questions: What are the most
luminous galaxies in the Universe? Where are the closest
stars to the Sun? Where are all the Main Belt asteroids
larger than 3 km?
- (Time
History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms)
Site :: Mission Site
Mission Questions: Which physical process in the magnetosphere
is the initial trigger that releases energy in the form
of electromagnetic
waves and accelerated particles leading
to an auroral substorm?
(Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory)/(In situ Measurements
of Particles And CME Transients)
Site :: Mission Site
Mission Questions: How is it that the appearance of sunspot
groups is accompanied by large-scale eruptions of coronal
material and magnetic field? Why do some of these eruptions
occur in the
absence of other visible activity? What role
do these eruptions play
in maintaining the magnetic flux
budget of the Sun as a whole? What
is the connection between
solar flares and CME's?
(Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer)
Site :: Mission Site
Mission Question: How will the EUV wavelengths determine
the electron temperature, ionization conditions, and
cooling mechanisms of the million-degree plasma believed
to fill the local interstellar bubble?
(Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager)
Site :: Mission Site
Mission Questions: How do particles such as electrons and
protons get accelerated during solar flares? Where does
the energy for powering these sudden releases originate?
(Fast Auroral Snapshot)
Site :: Mission Site
Mission Question: How do the particles
and fields in the upper atmosphere change during an aurora?
(Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer)
E/PO Site :: Mission
Mission Questions:What celestial phenomena can be detected
at Extreme Ultraviolet wavelengths?
(National Virtual Observatory)
Site :: NVO
Project Question: What are the E/PO possibilities for the
NVO and what are the needs of possible audiences for NVO
The CHIPS and EUVE Missions represent the Structure
and Evolution of the Universe Forum (SEUF),
CHIPS and WISE are part of the Origins
Forum, whereas,
are aligned with the Sun
Earth Connection Education Forum (SECEF).
NVO is not affiliated, it is both NASA and NSF funded. |