NASA SEGway: Science Education Gateway Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum CSE @ SSL
SEGway Science Education Gateway
Education + Public Outreach Site
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Professional Development
SEGway :: For Educators :: Professional Development
Professional Development

SEGway offers professional develop opportunities for educators on space science topics in the form of workshops at conventions and at our facilities on the campus of UC Berkeley.

Conferences & Conventions
SEGway team member, Dr. Laura Peticolas demonstrates a method of visualizing the field of force surrounding a magnet for teachers at a SACNAS workshop.
SEGway regularly presents educator workshops at professional conferences and conventions. At these workshops we do a mixture of hands-on activities that teachers can use in their classrooms as well as give presentations on the science behind current NASA space science research. Some participating organizations include:


CSE @ SSL Workshops
SEGway team member, Dr. Bryan Méndez, leads an activity to model the reasons for the seasons during a workshop.
SEGway collaborates with the other members of the Center for Science Education at the Space Science Laboratory (CSE@SSL) on the campus of UC Berkeley to conduct free 1-day and 2-day workshops for educators throughout the year.

:: Visit the CSE@SSL Workshops for Educators

We plan our 1-day workshops to coincide with training workshops put on by UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science (LHS) Great Explorations in Math and Science (GEMS) project. Participants in the GEMS training are invited to attend our additional workshop free of charge where we present GEMS guides developed in cooperation with NASA as well as classroom materials developed by CSE (including SEGway). Other interested educators are also welcomed to these 1-day workshops.

Our 2-day workshops also include presentations of the NASA supported GEMS guides as well as activities from NASA’s Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum (SECEF), The UC Berkeley Eye on the Sky Program, and SEGway (all part of CSE@SSL). These free workshops are longer, and allow for educators to explore the science content in greater depth. Continuing Education Units are available for attendance at these workshops through Cal State, Hayward.

:: Visit the Lawrence Hall of Science GEMS Program



Other Professional Development
SEGway also conducts additional special event workshops. For example, the THEMIS E/PO program will conduct special training sessions for teachers involved in its Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS). Also, several of our programs have funded the launching of new GEMS sites across the country which provide professional development for teachers in their communities using GEMS materials.

:: Look at the CSE Workshop Schedule for dates of all upcoming workshops.

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SEGway is part of the Center for Science Education @ Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley
©2004 UC Regents