SEGway collaborates with the other members of the
Center for Science Education at the Space Science Laboratory
(CSE@SSL) on the campus of UC Berkeley to conduct free 1-day
and 2-day workshops for educators throughout the year.
:: Visit the CSE@SSL Workshops for Educators
We plan our 1-day workshops to coincide with training workshops
put on by UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science (LHS)
Great Explorations in Math and Science (GEMS) project. Participants
in the GEMS training are invited to attend our additional
workshop free of charge where we present GEMS guides developed
in cooperation with NASA as well as classroom materials developed
by CSE (including SEGway). Other interested educators are
also welcomed to these 1-day workshops.
Our 2-day workshops also include presentations of the NASA
supported GEMS guides as well as activities from NASA’s
Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum (SECEF), The UC Berkeley
Eye on the Sky Program, and SEGway (all part of CSE@SSL).
These free workshops are longer, and allow for educators
explore the science content in greater depth. Continuing
Education Units are available for attendance at these workshops
through Cal State,
:: Visit the Lawrence
Hall of Science GEMS Program |