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National Virtual Observatory   http://www.us-vo.org

This is the project page for the NSF-funded Framework for the National Virtual Observatory. It describes the NVO’s scientific opportunities and Information Technology challenges. The Project Description Document is available in HTML, PDF, or MSWord.

NVO Science Definition Team (SDT) website  http://nvosdt.org

This is the project page for the NSF-funded Framework for the National Virtual Observatory. Here you will find the SDT Final Report, ”Towards the National Virtual Observatory” (April 2002).

SkyView  http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/

SkyView is a "virtual" observatory dynamically generating images of the sky in different wavelength regimes (from Radio to Gamma-Ray) from a static image database. SkyView is intended as a quick look facility to see the heavens. SkyView is not a real telescope but a large database of astronomical image surveys that simulate the images taken by telescopes or satellites. SkyView> allows users to generate images of any portion of the sky at wavelengths in all regimes from radio to gamma-rays The core of SkyView is a geometry engine which enables it to transform data from existing surveys into the image you have requested

You start creating images by selecting a SkyView interface. The SkyView Advanced Interface provides the basic optional parameters as well as parameters involving 3D survey images, color tables, smoothing, resampling, alternative name resolvers, image pixel size.

The Digital Sky Project  http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/SDA/digital_sky.html

The Digital Sky offers a perspective of the universe which is statistical and data-focused, in contrast to traditional work with individual stellar objects.

The Space Science Education Resource Directory  http://teachspacescience.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/ssrtop.plex 

The Space Science Education Resource Directory is a convenient way to find NASA space science products for use in classrooms, science museums, planetariums, and other settings. It will help you locate Internet-based resources, such as Web pages and Portable Document Files (PDFs).

The Solar Explorer  http://nsip.net/student/dataform/index.html

The Solar Explorer enables student researchers to investigate various aspects of our dynamic Sun, such as the ebb and flow of the solar wind, the characteristics of it's high and low energy constituents, and their effects on the Earth's magnetic field.

The Solar Explorer is intended for general educational use; it is a simplified version of NASA's OMNIWeb, a research tool for studying our dynamic Sun and its effects on the Earth.

Data Space Transfer Protocol  http://www.dataspaceweb.net

The Solar Explorer enables student researchers to investigate various aspects of our dynamic Sun, such as the ebb and flow of the solar wind, the characteristics of it's high and low energy constituents, and their effects on the Earth's magnetic field.

The Solar Explorer is intended for general educational use; it is a simplified version of NASA's OMNIWeb, a research tool for studying our dynamic Sun and its effects on the Earth.

AACE  http://www.aace.org

The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education is an international, educational and professional not-for profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the knowledge, theory, and quality of learning and teaching at all levels with information technology.

Skyserver  http://skyserver.fnal.gov/en

The SkyServer provides Internet access to the public Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data for both astronomers and for science education. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project to make a map of the entire universe. The purpose of Skyserver is to show the beauty of the universe, and let the public share in the excitement of discovery, as scientists build the largest map in the history of the world.

AstroBulletin  http://astrobulletin.amnh.org/index.html

The Science Bulletins department at the American Museum of Natural History produces daily multi-media updates for the Halls of Biodiversity, Planet Earth and the Universe. These take the form of short video pieces, filmed in High Definition, interactive kiosks. The AstroBulletin is the web site of the Hall of the Universe.