Modeling the Sun's Magnetic Field
The many manifestations of the solar cycle described on the previous page
are related to changes in the Sun's magnetic field. Why it is important
to study the Sun's magnetic field? Besides the fact that it is interesting
to study things we do not understand completely, it is also important that
we develop a better understanding of the Sun's magnetic field because it
directly affects our lives on Earth.
Solar scientists are working to develop computer programs which will model
the Sun's magnetic field, thus helping them to better understand it. These
programs allow us to visualize magnetic field lines in the upper atmosphere,
or corona, of the Sun.
Magnetic field data from the surface of the Sun (for example, sunspots)
are used as initial input for the simulations. By working to understand
the processes necessary to generate a realistic model of the Sun's coronal
magnetic field scientists will have a better overall understanding of how
magnetic field generated in the Sun leads to coronal eruptions and disturbed
space weather.
When coronal magnetic field loops remain closed the hot gas is trapped.
However, if the magnetic field lines expand or open up, coronal gas
and magnetic field is expelled into interplanetary space, sometimes
in the direction of Earth. The Sun releases large amounts of magnetic
energy in solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Explosive events
which expel magnetized gas into space are called coronal mass ejections,
or CMEs for short. This image was taken by the SOHO solar spacecraft
and shows a CME about to explode off the northeast limb of the Sun.
Click on the image to see a movie of seveal coronal mass ejections
leaving the Sun.. (Here is a tutorial
about the difference between CME's and solar flares.)
Image Credit: SOHO
The modeled cornoal magnetic field lines shown below suggest what may be happening
to the real coronal magnetic field during a CME like the one above. In this picture,
only the coronal fields that have opened up between the time represented on the left,
and that on the right, are shown. The magnetic field lines which did not change between
the times of the two images have not been drawn.