Archive 2003

CHIPS Mission Logo

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12/09/03 Interstellar Hydrogen Shadow Observed For The First Time - The Cassinni Spacecraft bound for Jupiter has made measurements of particles from interstellar space.

Read the full news story at:
01/22/03 The Daily Californian has an article about the CHIPS mission:
01/14/03 Here is a Home video of the CHIPS launch from a friend of the CHIPS team: CHIPS launch home video (1.3 MB)
01/12/03 Here is a NASA news release for the launch of CHIPS:

Here also are pictures of the launch:
01/12/03 CHIPS is launched at 4:45pm PST! We have had a number of passes over all three ground stations since separation. The spacecraft is alive and well, and we are proceeding with spacecraft commissioning. Congrats to Manfred Bester and the Berkeley Ground Station crew for acquiring the spacecraft 12 minutes after separation!
01/10/03 Here is a new article about CHIPS from
01/06/03 Science@NASA has an article about CHIPS:
01/03/03 There is a nice article about CHIPS in today's Contra Costa Times: