©2003 The Regents of the
University of California
All our materials are copyright the University of California
Regents with the exception of data and images from NASA and other
sources which may be in the public domain or subject to their own
copyright restrictions.
No part of this Website may be
reproduced, transmitted, adapted, or performed in any form or
by any means
electronically, without permission in writing from the Center for
Science Education at Space Sciences Laboratory (CSE@SSL), University
of California at Berkeley (UCB). For permission, email outreach@ssl.berkeley.edu.
Web /CD ROM Development Team
Diane Kisich, UC Berkeley Space Sciences
Laboratory, Project Manager
Isabel Hawkins, UC Berkeley Space Sciences
Laboratory, Co-Director NASA’s Sun-Earth Connection Education
Lincoln Bergman, UC Berkeley Lawrence
Hall of Science, GEMS Associate Director/Principal Editor
Stephen M. Pompea, National Optical
Astronomy Observatory, Writing, GEMS Author
Jim Spadaccini, Ideum (www.ideum.com),
Art Direction, Writing
Khristine Page, Ideum, Design, GUI & Information Design,
Programming, Illustrations
Mahjabeen Butt, Ideum, Illustrations
Stephanie Robitzek, Ideum, Writing
Angela Arzave, Ideum, Style Sheets
Ethan Wilde, MediaTrope, Original Install
Script Programming
Roger Crist, FlapJack Interactive,
Additional Install Script Programming
GEMS® Teacher’s
Guide Development Team
David Glaser, UC Berkeley Lawrence
Hall of Science, Lead GEMS Author
Stephen M. Pompea, National Optical
Astronomy Observatory, CD-ROM Author, GEMS Author
Carolyn Willard, UC Berkeley Lawrence
Hall of Science, GEMS Author, GEMS Network Director
Isabel Hawkins, UC Berkeley Space Sciences
Laboratory, Co-Director NASA’s Sun-Earth Connection Education
Jacqueline Barber, UC Berkeley Lawrence
Hall of Science, GEMS Director, Associate Director Lawrence Hall
of Science
Lincoln Bergman, UC Berkeley Lawrence
Hall of Science, GEMS Associate Director/Principal Editor
Nicole Parizeau, UC Berkeley Lawrence
Hall of Science, GEMS Senior Writer/Managing Editor
Thanks to the Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum and the Distributed
Active Archive Center at Goddard Space Flight Center, Science@NASA.gov,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Exploratorium and all of the research
and scientific centers who gave permission for their images and
other materials to appear on this Website.
Note: A full listing of the teachers who helped
test the guide and/or the CD-ROM/ Website appears in the printed
Grant Acknowledgement:
Support for the development of this GEMS Guide was provided by the
NASA Office of Space Science through cooperative agreement #NCC5-253
to the Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum, UC Berkeley Space Sciences