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Resources Access Description

Ask the Astronomer

The Astronomy Cafe
web Miscellaneous astronomy questions with answers, arranged by topic, most popular, etc. Read, or ask a question of your own.
Ask an Astrobiologist

NASA Astrobiology Institute

web The site requires registration as a member of a "virtual community," but this seems to have no involuntary consequences.
Ask a Solar Astronomer

Standford Solar Center

web Any questions about the Sun? Good turn-around time, and an extensive FAQ.
Ask an Expert at NASA Human Space Flight web Many, many questions asked of crew members on shuttle and space station missions. Questions are screened (!) and forwarded to the experts. The index is arranged by mission and not topic, which is mildly inconvenient.
Space Environment FAQ

NOAA Space Environment Center

web Fequently asked questions from "what is space weather" to "can solar storms hurt people?" Questions are arranged in a list at the top, with jump links to the answers further down the page. No mechanism for asking new questions, though.
Ask a High Energy Astronomer

Imagine the Universe

web High energy in this context means studying lots of exotic objects, like black holes, neutron stars, and supernovae. Lots of Q & A.
Ask an Expert, Astronomy

Scientific American

web This high-quality FAQ provides mini-articles on really worthwhile questions. Why *is* the night sky black? Not so simple. Check here if students' reports seem too well- written. New questions may be considered, but the turn around time probably isn't short.
 Mr. Sunspot


web From the National Solar Observatory, wealth of information about all sorts of astronomy questions, with some nice "explanation" pages about things like Kepler's equation. OPen the "Answer Book" link to see if your question has already been answered.