Your answer was a desert depression. people have made the same choice. Wow! You made the correct choice. It wasn't easy either. The image looks like it has lots of deep water and tall hills or even mountains. The image you're studying is part of the Rub al Khali desert in Saudi Arabia and Oman in the Middle East. It is so dry and the sand so soft that hardly anything - not plant, not animal, not human - lives there. The picture may look wet to you but the truth is that this part of the Rub al Khali is like a huge sink and catches any water in the area and keeps it. There isn't really much water anyway and, certainly, not enough to form a beautiful lake. What the water makes is a type of muddy sand. LANDSAT "sees" damp ground as bright blue. The white areas were once muddy sand but were dry when the LANDSAT took this picture.
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