Rotating Spiral Galaxy animation by Josh Kennedy
Look at the rotating galaxy and then at the Hubble Tuning Fork Diagram next to it.
Edwin Hubble would have classified this galaxy as type Sa.
Notice its well defined center and spiral arms.
On the next page, you will have a chance to classify some unidentified galaxies, and
use your mouse to place the galaxy images on the Hubble Tuning Fork Diagram. To move the
galaxy pictures onto the Hubble Tuning Fork Diagram you will:
- put your mouse pointer on a galaxy image
- hold down the mouse button
- while holding down the button, move your pointer to a spot on the diagram
- release the mouse button
When you release the mouse button, the galaxy image will move to the spot you have
selected. If you wish to move it again, you can follow the same directions. When you have
finished placing all the galaxy images on the diagram, check your work by clicking on the
the Galaxy Guy.
Start Here: Classifying galaxies