- Ian Ridpath, "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Space," 1976
- David F. Tver, "Dictionary of Astronomy, Space, and Atmosheric Phenomena," 1979
- Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Journal of the History of Astronomy
- C. R. Kitchen, "Astrophysical Techniques," Adam Hilger, Ltd., 1984
- David H. DeVorkin, "The History of Modern Astronomy and Astrophysics: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography,"
- Valerie Illingworth, "The MacMillan Dictionary of Astronomy," 1985
- Jeanne Hopkins, "Glossary of Astronomy and Astrophysics," 1985
- Martin B. Zombeck, "Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics," 1982
- Patrick Moore, "The Guiness Book of Astronomy Facts and Feats," 1986
- Kenneth R. Lang, "Astrophysical Formulae: A Compendium for the Physicist and Astrophysicist," 1980
- D. Tattersfield, "Projects and Demonstrations in Astronomy," 1979
- Hoff, Kelsey and Neff, "Activities in Astronomy," 1991
- E. C. Krupp, "In search of Ancient Astronomies," 1978
- S. Flugge, "Encyclopedia of Physics," V. 50-54
- V. Kourganoff, "Introduction to Advanced Astrophysics," Reidel, 1980
- A. E. Avrett, "Frontiers of Astrophysics," Harvard University Press, 1976
- F. U. Shu, "The Physical Universe," University Science Books,1982
- L. H. Aller, "Atoms, Stars, and Nebulae," 1971
- H. S. Goldberg and M. D. Scadron, " Physics of Stellar Evolution and Cosmology," Gordon, 1983
- D. J. Adams, "Cosmic X-Ray Astronomy," Adam Hilger, 1980
- C. E. Fitchel and J. I. Trombka, "Gamma Astrophysics," NASA SP-453, 1981
- M. S. Longair, "High Energy Astrophysics," Cambridge University Press, 1981
- S. L. Shapiro, "Black Holes, White Dwarfs, and Newtron Stars: The Physics of Compact Objects," Wiley,
- M. G. Kivelson, " The Solar System: Observations and Interpretations," Prentice Hall, 1986
- P. H. Cadogan, "The Moon - Our Sister Planet," Cambridge University Press, 1981
- F. L. Whipple, "The Mystery of Comets," Smithsonian Institution, 1985
- H. Zirin, "Astrophysics of the Sun," Cambridge University Press, 1987
- M. Jaschek, " The Classification of Stars," Cambridge University Press, 1987
- M. Cohen, "In Darkness Born: The Story of Star Formation," Cambridge, 1987
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