The EUVE Orbit

by Del Spicer and Leslie Dietiker

©1995 The Regents of the University of California

What Preparation is Involved?

List of Materials:

  1. One globe per group of four students.
  2. One big color world map (planisphere)
  3. Copies of world maps. These maps are for students to plot the position of the satellite as projected onto the surface of the Earth. An example of this map with the current EUVE position above the Earth can be seen by clicking here.
  4. Copies of sky maps. These maps are for students to plot the position of the satellite against the background stars as seen from the center of the Earth.
  5. You may want to show your students another illustrative resource, namely, a movie of the EUVE satellite orbiting the Earth.
  6. Graph paper
  7. Scientific calculators
  8. Picture of the "EUVE satellite launch"


Ideally students should work in groups no larger than 4 or 5 students. Provide each group with a globe of the Earth and each student in the group with a copy of the world map, a copy of the sky map, and graph paper.

In a very visible spot in the classroom post a big color planisphere of the Earth and provide large "sticky dots" for students to plot their data. Even though the students will be plotting on their own copy of the world map, they will enjoy the process of placing a point on the class map.

Estimated Class Time:

2 - 3 days

For more information about this lesson plan:


Lesson Plan


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