Solar News Highlights from 1999

12/16/99 Solar Cycle Ups and Downs Continues to Mystify Scientists

Solar activity is picking up, but not as much as one team of scientists had predicted. NASA Space Science News (

11/12/99 Look at that Sunspot Go!

The planet Mercury grazes the sun in an unusual transit that will not occur again until 2314. NASA Space Science News (

10/14/99 Solar Cycle Update

Updated predictions from NASA scientists put the solar max sometime in mid-2000. NASA Space Science News (

8/31/99 Solar Activity Heats Up

A class X solar flare and a large coronal mass ejection (CME) on August 28, 1999. NASA Space Science News (

6/2/99 New Research on Spectral Behavior in Solar Flares

Researchers discover common mechanism which could yield new insight into how particles are accelerated to high energies. NASA Space Science News (

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