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Space Weather Music

Solar Songs
The following songs are "Music Sonifications of Solar Wind Data" taken from the ACE spacecraft from April 19 to May 10, 1998.

1. Ratio of Iron (FE) to Oxygen (O). Single ratio values played by multiple instruments in an orchestra. (1:51)

2. Concentrations of Iron (FE)(left oboe) and Oxygen (O) (right oboe). (1:52)

3. DE 2 energy as violin. (1:52)

4. DE 3 energy as a string section. (1:50)

What's Going On?
Solar wind data from the ACE/SEPICA Spacecraft is mapped to pitches in a 45-note major musical scale using logarithmic scales. Different instruments represent different data parameters.

globe icon To find out more about these solar songs and the science behind them, visit the University of New Hampshire Experimental Space Plasma Group. (Requires an Internet connection).

Songs appear courtesy of Marty Quinn's Solar Songs CD. Produced in cooperation with the Space Science Center at the University of New Hampshire.

Related to chapter 6 in the print guide.
Related Materials

To find out more about the data that helped create these songs visit Solar Wind

Glossary Terms

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