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2: Overview
Main Menu > 2: Energy From The Sun > EM Spectrum Cards > Microwave  
Microwave curve
Wavelength: 10 cm
Energy per photon: 0.0001 electron volts
Harmful Effects: Under very high intensity, certain wavelengths can heat up living cells and kill them. Cellular phones have been suspected of affecting the brain, but evidence of this is inconclusive.

Emitted by:

  • In microwave ovens
  • Radar stations
  • Cell phones
  • Gas clouds collapsing into stars

Detected by:

  • Food (heated)
  • Cell phones
  • Radar systems
  • Astronomical radio telescopes

Graphical representation of the Milky Way
Image courtesy of Steward Observatory Radio Astronomy Laboratory(SORAL).

Radar stations
Radio Telescope. Image courtesy of Steward Observatory Radio Astronomy Laboratory(SORAL).
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