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    Graphing Stratospheric Ozone


    1. Many satellite images  are in color.  What do various colors mean?

      a. Colors always show exactly what the satellite "saw"
      b. Different colors  are used to measure  temperature
      c. Colors are added to make it look pretty
      d. Different colors may show differences in something that's  being measured

    2. What is a Dobson Unit?

      a. A measure of the amount of aerosols released into the atmosphere.
      b. The amount that the ozone hole grows every year.
      c. The size of the ozone hole in the previous year.
      d. The unit of the amount of ozone directly above a point on the Earth's surface.

    3. When you make a graph, it is a good idea to do the following:

      a. Make sure each axis is labeled and give the graph a title
      b. Make sure both axes are the same length
      c. Make the scale only range across your data
      d. Always connect the data points

    4. Does the ozone layer change from season to season?

      a. There is less ozone in the spring
      b. There is less ozone in the fall
      c. No, the ozone always stays the same
      d. No one knows

    5. How does sunlight affect the ozone layer?

      a. Sunlight warms the ozone and causes storms
      b. UV radiation from sunlight breaks down the ozone
      c. Sunlight creates carbon dioxide from dust in the ozone
      d. UV radiation from sunlight helps create the ozone

    6. Where is the ozone hole located?

      a. Over the Arctic
      b. Over Antarctica
      c. Over North America
      d. Over Europe

    7. How does human activity affect the ozone layer?

      a. Burning large tracts of rainforest harms the ozone
      b. Releasing some chemicals, like chlorine, harms the ozone
      c. Space shuttle launches harm the ozone
      d. Both a) and b)
      e. All of the above

    The Subject:

    1. Would you like to learn more about the Earth's atmosphere?

    2. What was one thing you learned that you didn't know before?

    3. Would you like to learn more about Earth and Space Science?

    4. Did you tell anyone outside the class about the internet lesson? Who? What did you say?

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