Science Content:
Student understands the concept of the interplanetary magnetic field and the design of a NASA satellite whose purpose is to study the IMF. |
*Level 2 tasks attempted but not completed or mastered. |
*Student successfully recalls their prior knowledge of magnets, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic fields. |
*Student knows the concept of interplanetary magnetic fields.
*Student, through successful completion of activity 1, can make strong connections between the Sun and Earth’s magnetic fields and knows the effects of solar wind on Earth’s magnetic field
*Student, through successful completion of activity 2, understands the purpose of a magnetometer and the magnetometer boom.
*Students can draw their own model of a magnetometer using their knowledge of magnetic fields. |
*Student, through successful completion of activity 3, draws and creates their magnetometer using real world engineering techniques and creates a practical and functioning model NASA satellite that can accurately measure interplanetary magnetic fields.
*Student fully demonstrates comprehension of interplanetary magnetic fields through successful exploration of activities, 90% and above correctness in activity worksheets, and completion of a technical report detailing the student(s) design. |
Collaborative Worker |
Participates but does not successfully complete one or more requirements of Level 2. |
Arrives on time with
materials. Shows respect for others; cares for equipment and resources. |
Stays focused on assigned
task and helps others do the same. Shares work equally.
Facilitates the participation of all in group. Tutors and/or supports other students. |
Takes all group roles with equal skill. Assists others as they learn to do the same.