Additive Assessment Rubric: Session 4, Activity 3

With an additive rubric, students have to learn more content in greater depth to achieve higher levels. Teachers should introduce the rubric before the activities begin and encourage students to achieve to their highest potential.

  1 2 3 (Level 2+) 4 (Level 3+) 5 (Level 4+)
Science Content:
Activity 3
Measuring the Speed of an Ejected Ball of Plasma
*Level 2 tasks attempted but not completed or mastered.

*Students are able to identify the RHESSI images as solar flares.

*From the RHESSI images, Students are able to identify the coronal loop and the blob of plasma separating from it.

*Students, through successful completion of Worksheet 4.4, are able to predict the magnetic field lines of a solar flare.

*Students are able to identify the footprints of a coronal loop from Worksheet 4.5.

*Students are able to identify the solar flares marked by an “X” from Worksheet 4.5.

*Students are able to identify the circle marked on the images as the midpoint between the footprints from Worksheet 4.5.

*Students are able to determine the location of the brightest spot in the coronal x-ray source and draw cross hairs through that spot using a ruler and determine the coordinates from Worksheet 4.5.

*Students are able to determine the speed of the blob using at least 1 of 2 methods taught by the instructor.

*Students complete Worksheet 4.5 with at least 80-94% accuracy.

*Students complete Worksheet 4.5 with at least 95% accuracy and above.

*Students, through successfully completion of Worksheet 4.6, demonstrate that they can determine the kinetic energy of a blob that has that has been ejected by a solar flare.

*Students fully demonstrate the ability to calculate the speed and kinetic energy of a blob that has been ejected by a solar flare.

Collaborative Worker Participates but does not successfully complete one or more requirements of Level 2. Arrives on time with
materials. Shows respect for others; cares for equipment and resources.
Stays focused on assigned
task and helps others do the same. Shares work equally.
Facilitates the participation of all in group. Tutors and/or supports other students. Takes all group roles with equal skill. Assists others as they learn to do the same.

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